Standard Terms:
All products of Fast Lane Nitrous Racing Systems are shipped Pre-paid, PayPal, Credit Card, Certified Check, Money Order, U.S. Funds only. C.O.D. with approval only.
F.O.B. our plant Tyler, Texas
Liability for defective merchandise is limited to replacement or repair by Fast Lane Nitrous Racing Systems at our option per the warranty statement; Payment for outside labor charges or other subsequent damages is not covered. Due to the nature of Racing Fast Lane Nitrous Racing Systems cannot be held responsible for any engine/car damage or injuries occurring after nitrous system installation FAST LANE Nitrous Racing Systems will not be liable for personal or property damage caused by the use or misuse of any product we manufacture or sell.
Factory Returns:
All merchandise returns must be approved in advance of shipment by Fast Lane Nitrous Racing Systems. Unauthorized returns or collect shipments will be refused, or if accepted, will be held as property of the shipper and at his risk. Contact the factory for approval on all returnable merchandise. All returned goods must be accompanied by copy of original invoice. Refused orders, returns & exchanges will be accessed a 15% restocking fee and customers are responsible for all shipping expenses.
Sales Tax:
All TEXAS residents will be charged sales tax per the current rate demanded by state and local authorities.
Rights Reserved:
As our technology expands, we may find it necessary from time to time to make changes in some of the items offered in our catalog. Fast Lane Nitrous Racing Systems reserves the right to make changes in design, material and specifications or to make product changes without incurring liability or obligations with respect to similar products previously manufactured. FAST LANE Nitrous Racing Systems is not responsible for errors in typographical content, pricing, or photography. Errors and pricing are subject to correction and may change without notice.
Maximum Liability:
The maximum liability of Fast Lane Nitrous Racing Systems in connection with this warranty shall not under ANY circumstances exceed the contract price of the product claimed to be defective.
Term of Warranty:
This limited warranty shall extend for a period of ninety days (90). Commencing from the date of the original purchase by the consumer.
Coverage of Warranty:
In the event of a defect in workmanship of material of the products, the Warranty will repair of replace the product, or any defective part or parts thereof, at the election of the warrantor without charge to the consumer for such repair or replacement. This limited warranty shall not apply to labor charges. Material or other incidentals in connection with removal and/or replacement of such defective product on the consumer’s vehicle.
Standard Terms:
This limited warranty shall not apply and shall become null and void in the event of damage to the product
***Freight Claims***
FAST LANE Nitrous Racing Systems CANNOT and WILL NOT be held responsible for freight claims, shortages and damages for any reason. In transit shortages and damages should be made against and directly with the carrier within five (5) days of RECIEPT of merchandise.